VOL. 107 · NO. 1 | February 2021

Articles (16)
Kirsten Jensen, Rachel Guyer
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 1-15, (12 January 2021) https://doi.org/10.1645/19-167
KEYWORDS: new species, Urogymnus polylepis, Giant freshwater whipray, Freshwater elasmobranch, Borneo, taxonomic status, Urogymninae, new combinations, Type host identity
Frida Martin, Vilhjálmur Svansson, Matthías Eydal, Charlotta Oddsdóttir, Maja Ernback, Isa Persson, Eva Tydén
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 16-22, (25 January 2021) https://doi.org/10.1645/20-91 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Parascaris, macrocyclic lactones, Ivermectin, Efficacy, Foals, Iceland, equine, Fecal egg count reduction test
Helen Silva Ribeiro, Alexandra Martins Santos Soares, Daniella De Jesus Castro Brito, José Tadeu A. Oliveira, Lívio Martins Costa-Junior
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 23-28, (26 January 2021) https://doi.org/10.1645/19-47
KEYWORDS: nematode, anthelmintic, inhibitors, Protein
Luis Eliezer Cruz-Bacab, Martha-Carolina Perez-De la Cruz, Claudia V. Zaragoza-Vera, Maritza Zaragoza-Vera, Guadalupe Arjona-Jimenez, Julia Maria Lesher-Gordillo, Carlos M. Baak-Baak, Nohemi Cigarroa-Toledo, Carlos I. Machain-Williams, Julian E. Garcia-Rejon, Roberto Gonzalez-Garduño, Oswaldo M. Torres-Chable
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 29-38, (3 February 2021) https://doi.org/10.1645/20-71
KEYWORDS: Arthropods, fleas, ticks, lice, Associated Factors
David J. Marcogliese, David K. Cone
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 39-47, (3 February 2021) https://doi.org/10.1645/20-76
KEYWORDS: Myxozoa, Spottail shiner, Notropis hudsonius, Common shiner, Luxilus cornutus, Richelieu River, Bras d'Henri micro-watershed, community, species richness, Eutrophication
Christina Anaya, Ben Hanelt, Matthew G. Bolek
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 48-58, (3 February 2021) https://doi.org/10.1645/20-53
KEYWORDS: Gordius terrestris, Hairworm, Diplocardia, earthworm, Gordiida, terrestrial, burrowing, life cycle
Micah B. Warren, Micah D. Bakenhaster, Haley R. Dutton, Steven P. Ksepka, Stephen A. Bullard
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 59-73, (3 February 2021) https://doi.org/10.1645/20-89
KEYWORDS: taxonomy, systematics, Fish blood fluke, type species, phylogenetics, morphology, Sparidae, Large Subunit Ribosomal, 28S, internal transcribed spacer 2, ITS2
Haley R. Dutton, Louis H. Du Preez, Olivier Verneau, Nathan V. Whelan, Stephen A. Bullard
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 74-88, (8 February 2021) https://doi.org/10.1645/20-96
KEYWORDS: Monogenoidea, Polystomatidae, Chelonia, southeastern United States, Mississippi
Brooke A. McPhail, Sydney P. Rudko, Alyssa Turnbull, Michelle A. Gordy, Ronald L. Reimink, Daniel Clyde, Kelsey Froelich, Sara V. Brant, Patrick C. Hanington
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 89-97, (8 February 2021) https://doi.org/10.1645/20-74
KEYWORDS: digenean, Planorbella trivolvis, Helisoma trivolvis, Swimmer's itch, Cercarial dermatitis, Schistosomatidae
Nguyen Van Ha, Ong Vinh An, Hiroshi Sato, Stephen E. Greiman, Le Thi Mai Linh, Tran Thi Binh
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 98-107, (10 February 2020) https://doi.org/10.1645/20-57
KEYWORDS: Falcaustra vietnamensis n. sp., Nematoda, Physignathus cocincinus, Squamata, Agamidae, Vietnam
Lance A. Durden, Sharon E. Kessler, Ute Radespiel, Alida F. Hasiniaina, Alexandr A. Stekolnikov, Kayleigh Chalkowski, Sarah Zohdy
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 108-114, (10 February 2020) https://doi.org/10.1645/20-145
KEYWORDS: ectoparasites, Gray mouse lemur, host associations, Madagascar
Nancy Lara-Reyes, J. Guillermo Jiménez-Cortés, Jorge Canales-Lazcano, Bernardo Franco, Indrikis Krams, Jorge Contreras-Garduño
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 115-124, (16 February 2021) https://doi.org/10.1645/20-61
KEYWORDS: innate immunity, Facultative parasites, Evolutionary parasitology, ecoimmunology
Chris T. McAllister, Lance A. Durden, Stephen E. Greiman
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 125-128, (26 February 2021) https://doi.org/10.1645/20-139
KEYWORDS: Euschoengastia pipistrelli, Acari, Trombiculidae, Perimyotis subflavus, Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae, Oklahoma, American perimyotis
Chris T. McAllister, R. Scott Seville
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 129-131, (26 February 2021) https://doi.org/10.1645/20-128
KEYWORDS: Piranga rubra, Aves, Passeriformes, Cardinalidae, Apicomplexa, Eimeriidae, Oklahoma, Summer tanager, Isospora mccurtainensis n. sp
Jessica L. Herzog, Shannon P. Lukashow-Moore, Matthew Z. Brym, Aravindan Kalyanasundaram, Ronald J. Kendall
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 132-137, (26 February 2021) https://doi.org/10.1645/20-137
KEYWORDS: passerines, northern bobwhite, Colinus virginianus, eyeworms, Oxyspirura petrowi, Rolling Plains, helminth survey
Trey E. Johnson, Joshua G. Cross, Ryan S. Luna
Journal of Parasitology 107 (1), 138-140, (26 February 2021) https://doi.org/10.1645/20-101
KEYWORDS: Callipepla squamata, Dispharynx nasuta Galliformes, histopathology, parasite, scaled quail, Texas, Trans-Pecos
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