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VOL. 23 · NO. 4 | October 1987

Karl Borg
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 527-533, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: wildlife diseases, Scandinavia, review, cataract, atherosclerosis, ethmoid tumors, myxomatosis, rabies, sarcoptic mange, environmental pollution
Douglas E. Skilling, Jeffrey E. Barlough, Eugene S. Berry, Robin F. Brown, Alvin W. Smith
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 534-538, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: neutralizing antibodies, virus isolation, Eumetopias jubatus, Steller sea lion, San Miguel sea lion virus, Calicivirus
Gary G. Clark, F. Joshua Dein, C. L. Crabbs, James W. Carpenter, Douglas M. Watts
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 539-544, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: sandhill crane, Grus canadensis, Whooping Crane, Grus americana, eastern equine encephalitis virus vaccine, neutralizing antibody, immunology
Rocco C. Cipriano, Teri Ruppenthal
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 545-550, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Yersinia ruckeri, enteric redmouth disease, immunization, circulating antibody, brook trout, Salmo fontinalis
Joseph L. Corn, Raymond M. Lee, Gene A. Erickson, C. D. Murphy
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 551-557, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Tayassu tajacu, collared peccary, vesicular stomatitis, pseudorabies, brucellosis, leptospirosis, serology, survey
Ralph D. Godfrey, Alan M. Fedynich, Danny B. Pence
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 558-565, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: quantification, Avian hematozoa, thin blood smears, mourning doves, Zenaida macroura, Haemoproteus maccallumi
L. L. Stackhouse, R. J. Cawthorn, R. J. Brooks
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 566-571, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Sarcocystis rauschorum, pathology, experimental infection, varying lemmings, Dicrostonyx richardsoni
C. R. Bursey
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 572-575, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Myxobolus lintoni, myxosporidia, sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus, pathology, epidermal lesion, spontaneous neoplasm
Don Lee Monzingo Jr., Charles P. Hibler
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 576-585, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: beaver, Castor canadensis, Giardia sp., prevalence, survey, water quality
T. Morimitsu, T. Nagai, M. Ide, H. Kawano, A. Naichuu, M. Koono, A. Ishii
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 586-590, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Dolphin, Odontoceti, mass stranding, Nasitrema gondo, parasitogenic neuropathy, Globicephala macrorhynchus, Pseudorca crassiclens, eighth cranial nerve
Cheryl M. Bartlett, Albert O. Bush, R. C. Anderson
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 591-595, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Spiruroidea, encapsulated nematode larvae, upland sandpipers, Bartramia longicauda, long-billed curlews, Numenius americanus, Physocephalus sexalatus, Charadriiformes
Thomas P. Cogley
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 596-605, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: black-tailed deer, Cephenemyia apicata, Cephenemyia jellisoni, nasopharynx, nasopharyngeal bot fly, myiasis, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus, pathology, scanning electron microscopy
J. L. Shupe, A. E. Larsen, A. E. Olson
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 606-613, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: mink, Mustela vison, chronic fluoride toxicosis, dietary ingestion, sodium fluoride
Nicholas J. Gales, Harry R. Burton
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 614-618, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: southern elephant seal, Mirounga leonina, ketamine hydrochloride, xylazine hydrochloride, diazepam, immobilization
Terry J. Kreeger, Edward D. Plotka, Ulysses S. Seal
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 619-624, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, etorphine hydrochloride, xylazine, nalmefene, yohimbine hydrochloride, chemical immobilization, antagonist
Michael D. Kock, Joel Berger
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 625-633, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bison bison, free-ranging bison, immobilization, carfentanil, xylazine, naloxone, yohimbine
Michael D. Kock, David A. Jessup, Richard K. Clark, Charles E. Franti, Richard A. Weaver
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 634-640, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Ovis canadensis, Bighorn Sheep, capture, drop-net, drive-net, chemical immobilization, net-gun
Michael D. Kock, David A. Jessup, Richard K. Clark, Charles E. Franti
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 641-651, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Free-ranging bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis, capture methods, physiological responses, biochemical changes, hematological parameters
Michael D. Kock, Richard K. Clark, Charles E. Franti, David A. Jessup, John D. Wehausen
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 652-662, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Free-ranging bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis, capture outcome, stress, mortality, physiological response, biochemical changes, hematological parameters, survival
G. O. Ezeifeka, J. U. Umoh, C. D. Ezeokoli, A. U. Ezealor
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 663-665, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Ife virus, rodents, birds, Nigeria, Cricetomys gambianus, Arvicanthis niloticus, complement fixing antibody, survey
D. L. Obendorf, J. Carson, T. J. McManus
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 666-668, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Leatherback turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, Vibrio damsela infection, case report
R. A. Ocholi, L. U. Enurah, P. S. Odeyemi
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 669-670, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: salmonellosis, Salmonella Pullorum, chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes, isolation, pathology, clinical case history
L W. Pace, M. M. Chengappa, S. Greer, C. Alderson
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 671-673, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, pox virus, Buteo jamaicensis, red-tailed hawk, isolation, clinical case history
A. Alan Kocan, S. W. Mukolwe, J. S. Laird
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 674-676, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Theileria cervi, fallow deer, Cervus dama, white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, experimental infection, Amblyomma americanum
David S. Lindsay, Sandra I. Ambrus, Byron L. Blagburn
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 677-679, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Frenkelia sp., Sarcocystis sp., Isospora buteonis, red-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis borealis
Mauritz C. Sterner, Larry Stackhouse
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 680-682, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: mallards, Anas platyrhynchos, Streptocara crassicauda, Streptocara incognita, Montana, ulcerative ventriculitis
Susan M. Upshall, M. D. B. Burt, T. G. Dilworth
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 683-685, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Parelaphostrongylus tenuis, meningeal worm, Odocoileus virginianus, white-tailed deer, Alces alces, moose, moose sickness
Chris T. McAllister, Steve J. Upton
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 686-688, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Cosmocercoides dukae, Cylindrotaenia americana, Gastrophryne olivacea, Great Plains narrowmouth toad, Isospora sp., survey
Walter M. Boyce, Evelyn A. Kazacos, Kevin R. Kazacos, Jeffery A. Engelhardt
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 689-692, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Pentastome, Sebekia mississippiensis, Gambusia affinis, Xiphophorus helleri, Alligator mississippiensis, pathology
Charles M. Hendrix, Robert P. Kwapien, John R. Porch
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 693-697, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bubulcus ibis ibis, Cattle Egret, Hypoderatidae, Hypodectes (Hypodectoides) propus bulbuci, hypopal nymph, histopathology, Acari, case report
Paul R. Bowser, Marilyn J. Wolfe, Timothy Wallbridge
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 698-701, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, oncology, lymphosarcoma, case history
Michael T. Walsh, Gregory D. Bossart, W. Glenn Young Jr., Patrick M. Rose
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 702-704, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Trichechus manatus, West Indian manatee, omphalitis, umbilical infections, peritonitis, case report
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), (1 October 1987) Open Access
No abstract available
Bruce D. Hultgren, Eva Wallner-Pendleton, Barbara J. Watrous, Linda L. Blythe
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 705-708, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Cervical dorsal spondylosis, black swan, Cygnus atratus, case report
Erich H. Follmann, Peter J. Savarie, Donald G. Ritter, George M. Baer
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 709-712, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus), iophenoxic acid, plasma marker, experimental marking
Warren G. Eastland
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 23 (4), 713-714, (1 October 1987) Open Access
KEYWORDS: striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis, descenting, ligation, techniques
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