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Access leading research from 200+ full text journals in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences.

Acta Chiropterologica

Acta Chiropterologica, published by the Museum and Institute of Zoology at the Polish Academy of Sciences, is devoted solely to the study and discussion of bats.


Adansonia is a fast-track journal from the French Museum of Natural History, Paris, concerning the inventory, analysis, and interpretation of vascular plant biodiversity. The journal publishes research in French and English.

Conservation International Logo

Advances in Applied Biodiversity Science

Advances in Applied Biodiversity Science, published by Conservation International through 2007, was a monograph series that addressed topical issues in conservation science, such as bushmeat hunting, infrastructure development, and climate change.

African Entomology

African Entomology publishes original research articles and short communications on all aspects of entomology, with an emphasis on the advancement of entomology on the African continent. African Entomology is available in BioOne Complete through the 2021 volume.

African Journal of Wildlife Research

African Journal of Wildlife Research is a multidisciplinary journal that has been published since 1971 and covers the scientific, applied, managerial, methodological, and sociological issues related to wildlife research.

American Malacological Bulletin

American Malacological Bulletin is focused exclusively on malacological research. It publishes original manuscripts, short reports, symposia, and detailed reviews dealing with molluscs.

The American Midland Naturalist

The American Midland Naturalist was established in 1909. The journal covered a diverse set of biological disciplines (animal sciences, plant sciences, ecology) as they pertain to North America. The American Midland Naturalist ceased publication in 2023.

Annales Zoologici

Annales Zoologici, published by the Museum and Institute of Zoology at the Polish Academy of Sciences, is devoted to all aspects of systematic entomology.

Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board Logo

Annales Zoologici Fennici

Annales Zoologici Fennici publishes original research reports, in-depth reviews, and commentary on all aspects of animal ecology, evolution, and related fields.

International Association of Vegetation Science Logo

Applied Vegetation Science

Applied Vegetation Science publishes research on applied fields relevant to the human impact on vegetation, such as eutrophication and global change, conservation, management, restoration, and landscape planning. Applied Vegetation Science is available in BioOne Complete through the 2008 volume.

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research
Open Access

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research publishes original research and book reviews on any scientific or cultural aspect of Arctic, Antarctic, and alpine environments, paleoenvironments, and related topics. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research is available in BioOne Complete through the 2017 volume.

The Association for Tropical Biology & Conservation Logo


BIOTROPICA publishes original research and communications specific to the ecology, conservation, and management of all tropical ecosystems, and on the evolution, behavior, and population biology of tropical organisms. BIOTROPICA is available in BioOne Complete through the 2004 volume.

American Museum of Natural History Logo

Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History

Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History has been published continuously since 1881. It contains new discoveries in the field of natural sciences relating to zoology, paleontology, and geology.

Chelonian Conservation and Biology

Chelonian Conservation and Biology publishes research regarding the conservation and biology of all chelonians, including freshwater turtles, marine turtles, and tortoises.

The Coleopterists Bulletin

The Coleopterists Bulletin was founded in 1947, and publishes a wide variety of articles, notes, and book reviews regarding the biology, taxonomy and ecology of beetles (Coleoptera).

Comparative Parasitology

Comparative Parasitology publishes comparative research on parasitic fauna, emphasizing taxonomy, systematics, ecology, biogeography, evolution, faunal survey, and biological inventory within a morphological and/or molecular context.

Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris Logo

Cryptogamie, Algologie

Cryptogamie, Algologie, published since 1924, is devoted to cryptogams. The journal publishes original papers and review articles on the systematics, biology, and ecology of algae.


Ecoscience is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes ecological research on patterns and processes at various temporal and spatial scales and at different levels of biological organization.

Entomologica Americana

Entomologica Americana publishes original entomological research on the taxonomy, classification, phylogeny biogeography, behavior, and natural history of insects and other arthropod taxa.

Entomological News

Entomological News publishes entomological manuscripts on taxonomic revisions, phylogenetics, biogeography and faunistics, and descriptive morphology of insects and terrestrial arthropods.

Environmental Entomology

Environmental Entomology publishes reports on the interaction of insects with the biological, chemical, and physical aspects of their environment, as well as relevant book reviews, interpretive articles, and Letters to the Editor. Environmental Entomology is available in BioOne Complete from 2000 through the current volume.

SAGE Publishing Logo

Environmental Health Insights
Open Access

Environmental Health Insights is an open access, peer reviewed international journal focusing on how environmental factors affect the health of individuals and societies.

The Society for the Study of Evolution Logo


Evolution, published since 1947 by the Society for the Study of Evolution, contains work that extends our understanding of evolutionary phenomena and processes, as well as integrative work with various related fields of science concerned with evolution. Evolution is available in BioOne Complete through the 2009 volume.

Florida Entomologist
Open Access

Florida Entomologist contains contributions on all aspects of basic and applied entomological science. While the journal favors the fauna of the western hemisphere, it includes work from all geographic regions. Florida Entomologist is available in BioOne Complete through the 2023 volume.

Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation
Open Access

Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation publishes original work on freshwater mollusk biology and conservation, including community ecology, population biology, and more.

Freshwater Science

Freshwater Science publishes articles related to the understanding and environmental stewardship of all types of inland aquatic ecosystems and ecosystems at the interface between aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Freshwater Science is available in BioOne Complete through the 2014 volume.

Harvard Papers in Botany

Harvard Papers in Botany publishes monographic and floristic accounts of plants and fungi, work on relevant topics such as economic and systematic botany, relevant bibliographies, and book reviews.

Journal of Herpetology

Journal of Herpetology, published since 1968, contains work on the biology of amphibians and reptiles, with emphasis on behavior, biochemistry, conservation, ecology, evolution, morphology, physiology, and systematics.

Journal of Mammalogy

Journal of Mammalogy was established in 1919 by the American Society of Mammalogists to promote interest in mammals throughout the world by the publication of original research on their ecology, genetics, conservation, behavior, and physiology.

Journal of Resources and Ecology

Journal of Resources and Ecology is published by the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The journal publishes current research in natural resource studies and ecology across a broad range of interdisciplinary topics.

Journal of Shellfish Research

Journal of Shellfish Research publishes original papers and review articles dealing with all aspects of shellfish research, including aquaculture, sustainability, biology, ecology, and management.

The Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science Logo

Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science

Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science publishes papers in all fields of scientific work, but is known for its special focus on topics related to the North American southwest region.

Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science

Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science publishes original research and review papers in all areas of science supported by the Academy, such as agricultural science, anthropology, ecology, and zoology.

Journal of the North Atlantic

Journal of the North Atlantic publishes multi-disciplinary work on the peoples of the North Atlantic, their expansion into the region over time, and their interactions with their changing environments.

The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society

The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society publishes basic research in all areas of plant biology, with the exception of horticulture. The journal emphasizes work on the plants of the Western Hemisphere.

Journal of Vector Ecology

Journal of Vector Ecology contains work on the biology, ecology and control of arthropod vectors, and the interrelationships between the vectors and the disease agents they transmit.

International Association of Vegetation Science Logo

Journal of Vegetation Science

Journal of Vegetation Science publishes papers on all aspects of vegetation science, with particular emphasis on papers that develop new concepts or methods, test theory, or identify general patterns. Journal of Vegetation Science is available in BioOne Complete through the 2008 volume.

Journal of Wildlife Management

Journal of Wildlife Management publishes work on basic wildlife science, including investigations into the biology/ecology of wildlife that has implications for wildlife management and conservation. Journal of Wildlife Management is available in BioOne Complete through the 2011 volume.


Madroño publishes work on the natural history of Western American botanical organisms and vegetation, including those of Mexico, Central America, and South America. Articles are published in English and Spanish.

Institute of Malacology Logo


Malacologia publishes original research on the Mollusca and includes topics such as systematics, ecology, biogeography, parasitology, genetics, evolution, biodiversity modeling, and physiology.

Mammal Study

Mammal Study, published by the Mammal Society of Japan, contains original articles, rapid communications, and reviews on basic and applied biology of mammals, and is particularly interested in the study of the mammals of Asia.

Mammalian Species

Mammalian Species publishes 15-35 individual species accounts each year. Each account summarizes the current understanding of the biology of an individual species including systematics, distribution, fossil history, and genetics.

Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science
Open Access

Marine and Coastal Fisheries is focused on the interdisciplinary issues that impact fisheries science. The journal promotes the ecologically sound management of marine, coastal, and estuarine fisheries. Marine and Coastal Fisheries is available in BioOne Complete through the 2016 volume.

Marine Resource Economics

Marine Resource Economics publishes creative and scholarly economic analyses of a range of issues related to natural resource use in the global marine environment, such as policy, fisheries, and pollution. Marine Resource Economics is available in BioOne Complete through the 2017 volume.

Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist
Open Access

Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist publishes work on the biological natural history of western North America. Typically these articles are longer than those in the associated journal, Western North American Naturalist.

Natural Areas Journal

Natural Areas Journal publishes a variety of content related to the management and preservation of natural areas, covering topics such as applied conservation biology, restoration, and fire ecology.

Neotropical Primates
Open Access

Neotropical Primates publishes short research articles and field reports on the biology and conservation of New World monkeys for an audience of field researchers, conservationists, and captive-care professionals. Neotropical Primates is available in BioOne Complete through the 2015 volume.

Northeastern Naturalist

Northeastern Naturalist publishes natural history research related to all aspects of the biology and ecology of the organisms and environments of northeastern North America.

Northwest Science

Northwest Science, published since 1927, contains original papers on wide ranging natural history and general science topics, with a geographic focus on the northwestern United States and southwestern Canada.

Northwestern Naturalist

Northwestern Naturalist, published since 1920, contains original contributions dealing with the biology of birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles, and fish in the western United States and Canada.

Pacific Science

Pacific Science, published since 1947, includes multidisciplinary research on the biological and physical sciences of the Pacific basin, such as biogeography, ecology, evolution, geology, and volcanology.


Paleobiology publishes work on any aspect of biological paleontology. Emphasis is placed on biological or paleobiological processes and patterns, including macroevolution, extinction, and diversification.

Polish Journal of Ecology

Polish Journal of Ecology publishes work on all aspects of ecology: both fundamental and applied, physiological ecology, ecology of population, community, ecosystem, landscape, and global ecology.

Primate Conservation
Open Access

Primate Conservation publishes conservation research on primate species, including status surveys and studies on distribution, which are a fundamental component of conservation endeavor. Primate Conservation is available in BioOne Complete through the 2015 volume.

Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia

Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, published since 1841, contains papers in the areas of systematics, taxonomy, evolution, biogeography, and ecology, as well as occasional historical reviews.

Rangeland Ecology and Management

Rangeland Ecology & Management publishes content on all topics - including ecology, management, socioeconomic and policy - pertaining to global rangelands, in order to promote sound rangeland stewardship.


Rangelands features scientific and historical articles related to rangeland science, and covers topics such as rangeland management, technology, policy issues, economics, and education.

Conservation International Logo

RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment

RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment contains biological information gathered on RAP expeditions to provide conservation professionals with the data they need to catalyze action and improve biodiversity protection.

Southeastern Naturalist

Southeastern Naturalist publishes natural history research related to all aspects of the biology and ecology of the organisms and environments of the southeastern portion of North America.

The Southwestern Naturalist

The Southwestern Naturalist, founded in 1953, publishes natural history research, particularly on the study of the biota found in the region that includes the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America.

Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science

Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science publishes multidisciplinary work on the biological, cultural, and physical sciences, math and computer science, history and philosophy of science, and science education.

Tropical Conservation Science
Open Access

Tropical Conservation Science focuses on the field of conservation of tropical forests and other tropical ecosystems. The journal serves as a forum for perspectives and analyses of contrasting concepts and data on tropical ecosystem conservation. Tropical Conservation Science is available in BioOne Complete through the 2024 volume.

Western North American Naturalist

Western North American Naturalist publishes research on the biological natural history of western North America. Its associated journal, Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist, publishes longer articles on the same theme.

The Society of Wetland Scientists Logo

Wetland Science and Practice

Wetland Science and Practice provides a centralized source of information for wetland science research, covering topics such as ecology, restoration, natural history, management projects, and policy development. Wetland Science and Practice is available in BioOne Complete through the 2009 volume.

The Society of Wetland Scientists Logo


Wetlands offers a central resource that gathers and publishes multidisciplinary articles specific to wetland biology, ecology, hydrology, water chemistry, soil and sediment characteristics, laws and regulations, and management. Wetlands is available in BioOne Complete through the 2009 volume.

Wildlife Biology
Open Access

Wildlife Biology publishes original papers from all areas of wildlife science, with the primary focus of enhancing wildlife management practices, from both an ecological and human standpoint. Wildlife Biology is available in BioOne Complete through the 2021 volume.

Wildlife Monographs

Wildlife Monographs supplements The Journal of Wildlife Management, publishing longer, focused investigations and research in the area of wildlife science, management and conservation. Wildlife Monographs is available in BioOne Complete through the 2011 volume.

Wildlife Research

Wildlife Research is a forum for research and debate on the ecology, management and conservation of wild animals in natural and modified habitats, aimed at using scientific research to improve wildlife management practices.

Wildlife Society Bulletin

Wildlife Society Bulletin publishes content that merges scientific research with management and conservation to cover issues facing contemporary wildlife management practitioners, such as policy and education. Wildlife Society Bulletin is available in BioOne Complete through the 2006 volume.

The Wilson Journal of Ornithology

The Wilson Journal of Ornithology is an international quarterly publication for professional and amateur ornithologists, published since 1889. Each issue consists of original, peer-reviewed research articles on bird biology and conservation, short communications describing observations of particular interest, and reviews of new books on birds.

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